May 25th, 2024

A Peak at Ordinal Regression

By Josephine Santos · 5 min read

Ordinal regression being used to predict behavior of ordinal level dependent variables with a set of independent variables.


Ordinal regression stands as a pivotal statistical technique, especially when dealing with ordinal level dependent variables. This method is essential in scenarios where the outcome variable's order is significant, such as in survey responses or rating scales. This blog explores the intricacies of ordinal regression, its assumptions, key concepts, and how tools like Julius can enhance the analysis process.

What is Ordinal Regression?

Ordinal regression is used to predict the behavior of an ordinal-level dependent variable based on a set of independent variables. The dependent variable in this context is an ordered response category, while the independent variables can be either categorical or continuous. This technique is particularly useful in understanding how variables like gender, race, or age influence ordered categories like happiness levels or shopping likelihood.

Example Applications

1. Gender and Race Influence on Happiness: Analyzing how different genders and races rate their happiness in a survey.

2. Age and Shopping Likelihood: Examining the relationship between age and the likelihood of engaging in shopping activities.

Assumptions in Ordinal Regression

1. Single Dependent Variable: Only one dependent variable is used in the model.

2. Parallel Lines Assumption: Each category (except the last) has its own regression equation. The probability of the last category is derived from the second-last category.

3. Adequate Cell Count: At least 80% of the cells should have more than five counts, and no cell should have a zero count.

Key Terms and Concepts

- Dependent Variable: An ordinal variable, numerically coded from lowest to highest category.

- Factor: A categorical independent variable, numerically coded (e.g., gender).

- Covariate: A continuous independent variable (e.g., IQ score).

- Link Function: A transformation allowing for model estimation. Common link functions include Logit, Probit, Negative log-log, Complementary log-log, and Cauchit.

Significance Testing and Goodness of Fit

- Parameter Estimates: A table with threshold values for intercept terms and coefficients for independent variables.

- Wald Statistics: Used to test the significance of independent variables.

- Goodness of Fit: Assessed using the Pearson chi-square test, which compares predicted and observed frequencies.

R-square Estimate in Ordinal Regression

Unlike linear regression, ordinal regression doesn't use a simple R-square. Instead, pseudo-R2 statistics like Cox and Snell’s, Nagelkerke’s, and McFadden’s are used to estimate the variance explained by independent variables.

How Julius Can Assist

Julius, an advanced statistical tool, can significantly aid in ordinal regression analysis:

- Model Setup: Julius can assist in setting up the ordinal regression model, ensuring correct coding and application of assumptions.

- Link Function Selection: It can help in choosing the appropriate link function based on the data distribution.

- Statistical Analysis: Julius automates the calculation of parameter estimates, significance testing, and goodness of fit analysis.

- Interpretation and Visualization: It provides clear interpretations of the results and visual representations for better understanding and communication of findings.


Ordinal regression is a powerful statistical tool for analyzing ordered categorical data. Understanding its assumptions, methodologies, and the interpretation of its results is crucial for researchers and analysts. Tools like Julius can provide invaluable assistance, simplifying complex analyses and enhancing the reliability of conclusions. By mastering ordinal regression, analysts can uncover deeper insights into how independent variables influence ordered outcomes, leading to more informed decisions and robust research findings.

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