Julius for Education
Teach Analysis and Data Science with AI
Business Analytics, Statistics, Data Science and Visualizations with simple prompts

Leading institutions use Julius

"Students simply ask Julius what they want: 'Run a regression comparing X and Y,' or 'Visualize these customer segments,' and the system handles the computations. This AI 'co-pilot' ensures the real focus is on business insight, not syntax."

Dr. Karim Lakhani
Professor, Harvard Business School
Built for classrooms
Professors create workflows for each lesson and share with their students. Teach using Julius with ease.

The power of Jupyter Notebooks, ChatGPT and Excel in one tool
Implement everything from business analytics to advanced data science using simple english instructions

Evaluate student progress with ease
Students can easily share their workflow runs and threads with professors for evaluation

Manage students in one place
Invite your class, manage billing and access in a single dashboard

Prepare students with industry grade AI skills
AI is the future and being able to make sense out of data is a critical skill for professionals of the future. Julius is already used by leading corporations and startups